With this we roam in the darkness of forks, and may the light shines from the glistening skin of us...
+With Blood...
+Watch out of Vampire Diaries!!
+Like A Stone by Audioslave, I thk it says juz rite...=)
on my deathbed i will pray to the gods and the angels like a pagan to anyone who will take me to heaven to a place i call i was there so long ago the sky was bruised the wine was bled and there you led me on
Surprise surprise!! Now they even have the venom for you to turn into a vamp instantly, haha, lol, jk, anyhow, that is a promo poster with the venom, which is really a lim balm kinda thing? Hehe, still, it looks so cool duncha thk? I would like one...=P
Twilight Venom is a shimmering crimson lip stain suspended in a venom-laced lip conditioner with an intensely potent bite. Its exhilarating formula plumps and hydrates with argan oil, avocado oil, olive oil and vitamin E.
+Man, Jane is amazing, not talking about myself, haha, damn cool!! Looks even better than the previous, I love the Volturis, wakaka, ancient vamps are hot man...=P
+Look too decent, duncha thk? I wonder if she can rly pull off Victoria like Rachelle did, not to mention she seems much too youthful. Make up ought to helps. Heh.
LOS ANGELES, California - Bryce Dallas Howard is joining the “Twilight” franchise. The “Terminator Salvation” star will replace Rachelle Lefevre in the role of Victoria, according to Summit Entertainment. “We are incredibly happy that Bryce has agreed to come into the franchise,” Erik Feig, Summit’s President of Worldwide Production and Acquisitions, said in a statement to Access Hollywood. “Rachelle brought ‘Victoria’ to great screen life and Bryce will bring a new dimension to the character. The franchise is lucky to have such a talented actress as Bryce coming in to fill the role.” Summit said Rachelle would not be continuing on as Victoria, an evil vampire out for revenge over the death of her lover, due to scheduling conflicts. Bryce, the daughter of director Ron Howard, will take over the role beginning in “Eclipse,” the third installment in the “Twilight” series. “Eclipse” begins filming in Vancouver this coming August, Summit.
+Long before Twilight, there's Vampire Diaries 2 start with, when I read it, it simply reminds me of Twilight, which u shud say d other way round, since Twilight was published so long after this book, VD was republished, or else I'll nvr be able 2 get my hands on it, it was originally 4 books, n then they made it into 2, now if only I can get d extra, Vampire Diaries: The Return...gonna search4 it, high n low, anyone noe wher 2 get it, do ring me a bell...
+And so they're making Vampire Diaries into a series!! Finally, another vampire series which is 2 my liking, yipee, wif hot girls n guys both alike...I watched Moonlight & Blood Ties, but, still pick Moonlight, sumhow u juz realize u like the vamp nt bcoz of the way he or she looks, but their personality, it's the sam immortal or mortal, u dun juz like a hot guy bcoz he looks cool...but sth that matters more than that...
+N y does the villain alwiz look better than d good guy? Lol, I like Stefan in d book, but now I thk I like Damon more, haha...xD
+And here's wot Damon got 2 say about it...
With the “Twilight” phenomenon remaining undead for quite a while longer and with “True Blood” taking over HBO again this summer, it was only a matter of time before the CW decided to adapt the cult-classic books “The Vampire Diaries” into a TV show. And, when the show does make its debut this fall, Twilighters everywhere will have another way to get their hot vampire guy fix.
“['Twilight'] is a huge phenomenon,” “Lost” alumnus Ian Somerhalder, who plays a vampire in the new show, admitted to MTV News. “Quite possibly and inarguably, yes [we have a show because of it], so I’m not going to complain. I haven’t seen ['Twilight'] yet, so I don’t know how it compares, but yeah, it’s good that they’re around.”
“Vampire Diaries,” based on the early ’90s young-adult novels by L.J. Smith, is the story of Elena (Nina Dobrev) who is torn between a pair of vampire brothers, the tortured and well-meaning Stefan (Paul Wesley) and the devilish Damon (Somerhalder).
“Vampires are very hot. It’s fun playing a vampire,” Somerhalder said. “You’re 200 years old. You can fly around. You can eat beautiful girls — well, you can suck on their neck. I don’t physically cut them up and eat them. That would be a little sick.”
Somerhalder isn’t about to complain about getting to play a guy who uses his dark vampire ways to make girls fall in love with him, because he thinks that his character’s motives aren’t necessarily all bad.
“It’s fun having all these layers,” he said. “It depends on what you call bad and good. I’m definitely the more sadistic, prankster one, which is fun. He’s a lot of fun. He’s charming and it’s hard to hate him, but he’s kind of a bastard. You walk that fine line between liking him and absolutely hating him, like with most vampires. They kill people; they have to eat too. Population control.”
The casting director for New Moon, Joseph Middleton, has announced that "We are finished with the casting process". No details on the cast list has been released by Summit Entertainment.
(live-PR.com) - The rumor mill has been on fire with talk of Madonna, Vanessa Hudgens, AnnaLynne McCord, and Dakota Fanning being hired for a coveted spot on the New Moon cast, however there has been no official confirmation of any of them being hired.
There have also been rumors circulating that Drew Barrymore will be directing the third installment of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series. These rumors are false. Due to the New Moon production schedule for director Chris Weitz, his brother and co-owner of "Depth of Field Productions" - Paul Weitz - will be directing Eclipse. Chris Weitz is about to start directing "New Moon" but will still be in post-production when the third film starts shooting.
Picture courtesy of Richard Chavez
Just last week, Summit officially announced "Eclipse" will be released in theaters June 10, 2010.
Eclipse will NOT be filmed back-to-back with New Moon, and there will be completely separate casting cycle. Details about future auditions and open casting calls for Eclipse can be found on the following auditions in this website.
FYI: Paul Weitz directed American Pie, About A Boy, American Dreamz, In Good Company and the upcoming Cirque du Freak.
MoviesOnline caught up again yesterday with Dakota Fanning at the Los Angeles press day for her new movie, “Coraline,” and asked her if she had any more news on her upcoming role in the Twilight sequel, “New Moon.” Dakota is a fabulous person and we really appreciated her time. Here’s what she had to tell us:
MoviesOnline: Speaking of roles, can you talk a little bit about Twilight and the reports that you’ve signed on for New Moon? Have you sealed the deal yet?
Dakota: It’s not 100% yet set in stone but it’s definitely not like totally untrue or a rumor or anything. It’s definitely a possibility and I think it would be really, really fun to be a part of. I’m a big fan of the cast and to join them would be a really great honor and I really hope that it works out and I hope I can give you a definite answer soon.
MoviesOnline: What is it about it that you’re looking forward to most?
Dakota: I think just playing an evil vampire. That’s really cool. So, if I got to do it, that would be probably the most fun part.
MoviesOnline: When you consider roles like Cassie in “Push,” or Coraline, and now Jane in “New Moon,” is there a common theme or something that attracts you to all of them? Is it the complexity of the character or the opportunity to grow as an actor?
Dakota: I think that they’re just different from each other and they’re different kinds of films and, you know, I like to kind of always keep myself on the edge of my seat of what I’m going to do next and do something that I’ve never done before and something that maybe I’ve always wanted to do. I think it’s hard to say how you plan out what you want to do. I think you just know it when it comes to you.
MoviesOnline: Has there been a role you’ve read in the scripts you’re being sent now that you wanted to do but maybe your mom thought was a little too old for you?
Dakota: No, there hasn’t been so far.
MoviesOnline: Are you picking roles that are appropriate for your age or are you trying to pick ones that are older?
Dakota: No. I mean, I think that everything that I’ve kind of been drawn to has been appropriate and I’ve never had an argument with my mom about it or anything. We’re always on the same page. MoviesOnline: And that would apply to the Twilight sequel, “New Moon”?
Dakota: Yes, it would. Yeah. MoviesOnline: You seem to be transitioning so easily from being a child actor to being a young adult actress. Why do you think that has happened so easily for you?
Dakota: I think if you really want it badly enough and you really want it for yourself, it’s you wanting it, I think that you’ll be able to do it. And for me, I don’t think you can take it too seriously either and too technically, like “Oh my God, I’m going to transition from this month to this month and I’m going to do this movie.” I think what you’re drawn to, like the things that I’m drawn to, reflect the age I am and the maturity that I have, and I think that you just have to be very natural about it. I really want this so badly and I want to do this forever and I think that’s why I’m able to keep going because I just never want to stop. I don’t ever see myself not doing this.
"There are no options for those who break the rules..." Jane, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.572
+This on the other hand, sounds suitable for Breaking Dawn, the part when the Pawn is turning into a Queen...
"As the clock began to toll out the hour, vibrating under the soles of my sluggish feet, I knew I was too late—and I was glad something bloodthirsty waited in the wings. For in failing at this, I forfeited any desire to live..." Bella Swan, New Moon, Preface, p.2
Hana Pestle is an up and coming songstress that also happens to be a huge Twilight fan. Her song “Need” did well in our recent Soundtrack poll (results coming soon!) and now she’s doing all she can to bring her song to the attention of the New Moon filmmakers. We love the song, too, and think it would fit perfectly in New Moon.
+Isn't she simply beautiful? That I'm sure they could even fit a role for her in the movie, too bad there ain't Leah Clearwaters in the movie, but she'll make a better vamp than a werewolf anytime still, hehe, simply gorgeous...luvin her, hopefully they would really use "Need" in the movie, it fits so well, true indeed...
Hana Pestle is a self-proclaimed Twilight fanatic. The nineteen year old singer/songwriter from Billings, Montana believes she has the perfect song for the next movie and has started a movement to get “Need” in the forthcoming New Moon. The hauntingly beautiful track was one of her first compositions written at only fifteen years old in 2004. It was produced /co-written for her album by Ben Moody (co-founder of Evanescence) and Michael “Fish” Herring with string arrangements by David Campbell and piano performance by David Hodges (Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry).
We caught up with Hana to ask her a couple of New Moon questions–
NewMoonMovie.org: If you could have your song play during any part of New Moon, what scene would it be, and why?
Hana Pestle: I think that my song would go perfectly right after Edward leaves Bella. I can see it playing when she’s wandering through the forest trying to follow him, as well as when the months are going by. The song is very desperate and despondent and I think that’s exactly how Bella feels right before and right after Edward leaves her.
NewMoonMovie.org: What is your dream New Moon soundtrack?
+Forget the rumours, Dakota is how I picture Jane 2 be, hehe, but nevertheless, I'm sure they'll find sum1 fit for the roll, n Aro as well, will be interesting 2 c, hopefully they do not pick an adolescent or a teen, argh!! That will totally spoil it, alwiz thought of her as a petite little girl, yea well, but 13 years old ain't petite these days I'm sure...so yea...
Variety has posted a short article about some new rumors about a potential director for Eclipse, as well as who might be cast for Jane or Aro–
Don’t believe everything you hear about Twilight and its sequels. Things are heating up already on the third installment, Eclipse. They haven’t even started the second one yet, New Moon. When you’ve got a robust franchise, filmmakers are eager to get on board. Word is, the Spanish director of The Orphanage, Juan Antonio Bayona, and 3:10 to Yuma helmer James Mangold are both circling the project, but Summit insists that no meetings are scheduled as yet. Both would be strong choices.
As to the last two unfilled roles in New Moon, vampires Jane and Aro, no offers have yet gone out, despite what you may have read. And the role of Leah Clearwater isn’t being filled, because according to writer Melissa Rosenberg, she isn’t in the script!
"I was ninety-nine point nine percent sure I was dreaming..." Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.3
This.Is.Me. Introducing the alter ego within me, her name's Enaj Nehzus. Welcome to my world of Hell & Heaven. As I record my journey here on Earth, I discover yet another side of me. This Is the journal of yet an unlikely lass. P.S: I don't need you to tell me what kind of a person I am. I know very well, I hope you do too.